Warm Bodies

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#1 9. December 2020 - 12:42
Last seen: 4 years 3 months ago
Joined: 09.12.2020 - 12:26

Warm Bodies

I'm looking at getting a doll soon. I want to get one that has a built in heater but I wanted to know if anyone here has had a doll with one. If it heats the whole body or just small areas of it. Is it worth the extra expense?

9. December 2020 - 22:46
Dollstudio's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: 11.01.2015 - 00:21

Re: Warm Bodies

Hi puppet,

generally, the most popular doll types are made of TPE or silicone. These materials have room temperature, so they can feel cold when not heated. Thusly, for the experience of warmth and cozyness, some kind of heating can be nice. Especially in winter time or if you live in areas with unpleasant weather like Canada or Scandinavia.

However, there are a couple of gotchas for the available heating technologies. For example:

  • the little USB heating rod that comes with most TPE dolls does not produce a lot of warmth and it can be annyoing to use;
  • built-in (internal) body heating does not work in an instant; to reach a temperature close to a human body, the doll requires about an hour of pre-heating;
  • the built-in body heating which is available for some silicone dolls does not heat all areas of the body, e.g. usually it does not heat the hands, the feet or the breasts;
  • putting body heating into a TPE doll is technically possible, as long as the heating circuits are precisely regulated; if body heating is not properly regulated, it can melt the TPE as this material deforms at a certain temperature threshold; and
  • for people who live in politically highly regulated areas like the EU, the Chinese-made electrical doll body heating is usually not permitted as they are not certified by authorities.

Also, if a doll has body heating, it can break like any other electrical device. If the built-in (internal) body heating breaks, it will be very hard to fix, leaving you either with a cold doll or a challenging task for an electrician.

So having a doll at above room temperature is certainly a nice thing to have, but so far technology is not entirely satisfying. If you are considering the extra expense, ask your vendor which areas of the doll will be heated, how long pre-heating takes, and who can service a broken body heating in your doll.

Alternatives to built-in (internal) body heating are, for example,

  • the conventional hot water bottle to get selected areas of the doll heated,
  • an (external) electrical heating blanket to get the whole body surface of the doll heated, and
  • fabric dolls like those from Happy Doll which naturally feel less cold.


8. July 2022 - 11:33
Last seen: 2 years 8 months ago
Joined: 29.06.2022 - 13:56

Re: Warm Bodies

Hi, My doll does not have a heater insert, but I normally use a heater rod to heat her vagina before I use it. It is pretty nice and saves my money.
As I know, a heater insert can heat all the doll's body well, you should have a try if you have enough budget. Good luck!

My wife Jean (158cm Sex Doll) came to me last year.
She is from https://www.bestrealdoll.com/

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