Z-Onedoll options - the complete listing

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#1 31. August 2016 - 23:01
Dollstudio's picture
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Z-Onedoll options - the complete listing


when I looked into the current lineup by Z-Onedoll, it was overwhelming. There are not only ten body styles and roughly 30 different head sculps availabe, but also numerous options. To be more precise, there are so many customization options that the Z-Onedoll ladies are among the most customizable dolls from China.

It took me two full days do wade through all available options. Configuring a Z-Onedoll is not only a challenge for the manufacturer, but for the customer as well. I'll try to shed some light into all these customization options.

Here is a quick overview what is available:

  • 1) Head (primary); a 2nd (secondary) head option is available as well [$] - currently a total of roughly 30 choices;
  • 2) Wig - currently 15 choices;
  • 3) Eye color - currently 8 choices;
  • 4) Lip color - currently 4 choices;
  • 5) Body style - currently 10 choices
  • 6) Skin tone - currently 4 coices
  • 7) Nipple color - currently 6 choices;
  • 8 ) Areola size - currently 4 choices;
  • 9) Tattoo - currently 12 choices [$];
  • 10) Finger nails - currently 8 choices;
  • 11) Toe nails - currently 10 choices;
  • 12) Skeleton - currently 2 choices [$];
  • 13) Vagina - currently 2 choices;
  • 14) Pubic hair style - currently 9 choices [$];
  • 15) Real eye brows - currently 2 choices (yes or no) [$];
  • 16) Basic "I" (intelligent) features - Body heating and audio replay [$];
  • 17) Advanced "I" (intelligent) features - Robotics & animatronics[$];
  • 18) Packaging - currently 2 choices [$].

Just roughly calculated, this boils down to billions of possible combinations. Phew!

Additional options are

  • a) neck hook/bolt [$],
  • b) back hook/bolt [$],
  • c) extra eyes [$], and
  • d) extra wig [$].

The options marked with an [$] may be charged extra.

Everything from above are manufacturer options; the listing does not include additional combinations enabled by our adapter system, or by 3rd party wigs or eyes.

I'll introduce all available options in the next couple of days in more detail.



1. September 2016 - 9:13
Dollstudio's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: 11.01.2015 - 00:21

Re: Z-Onedoll options - the complete listing

1) Heads.

As of August 2016, Z-Onedoll has 31 heads to choose from. These are all Z-Onedoll heads I am aware of:

The heads are labeled sequentially from A01 to A36. Two of them are discontinued (A01 & A15), and I don't know what A12, A34 and A35 are. A34 and A35 will probably introduced soon.

All heads are exchangeable and fit mechanically to all Z-Onedoll bodies, but some are designed for the smaller bodies, others are designed for the taller bodies.

Z-Onedoll offers a helpful compatibility chart which helps to find a suitable head/body combination:

  • ZO-120: A25, A27, A30, A31
  • ZO-140/ZO-145: A2, A4, A5, A6, A8, A9, A10, A11, A13, A14, A17, A26, A28, A32, A33
  • ZO-150: A2, A4, A5, A6, A8, A9, A10, A11, A13, A14, A17, A26, A28, A32, A33
  • ZO-158/ZO-160/ZO-162: A2, A3, A4, A5, A8, A9, A10, A11, A13, A14, A16, A17, A18, A19, A20, A21, A22, A23, A24, A29, A36
  • ZO-170: A2, A3, A4, A5, A8, A9, A10, A13, A14, A16, A17, A18, A19, A20, A21, A22, A23, A24

Also, some heads are capable of oral sex. The oral heads ar A13, A16, A20, A21, A24, A25, A26, A27, A29, A30, A31, A32, A33, and A36.

So far, only one head (A21) is enabled for the advanced "Intelligent" features (animatronics) like eye blinking and lip movements. I haven't seen this head in robotics mode, but if it works as advertised, this would catapult Z-Onedoll not only at the top of Chines doll manufacturers. Actually, this would bring them among the top high-tech doll makers worldwide.

However, there is also one downside caused by the "Intelligent" features: Starting with the basic "I" features heating and sound, the heads loose their exchangeability (quote from the ZO FAQ: "The heads of intelligent dolls with heating or sound can’t be changed, otherwise, the intelligent function will be lost."). I have no information yet about the A21 head with advanced "I" features, but I assume it also will not be removeable or exchangeable.

Based on the compatibilty and feature chart, it is quite easy to identify a suitable head. The base price of every Z-Onedoll includes one head.

For all orders, a 2nd (secondary) head option is available as well for an extra charge.

Available customizations for all heads are:

  • skin tone
  • eye color
  • wig
  • lip color

These customizations of the head are included in the base price; additional eyes or wigs are available, but charged extra.


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1. September 2016 - 9:00
Dollstudio's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
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Re: Z-Onedoll options - the complete listing

2) Wig.

Z-Onedoll offers a broad range of wigs.

Currently, they have a total of 15 choices for dolls between 120 and 170 cm:

The wigs include the usual black and brown hair colors, but there are also blonde wigs and even some in yellow, pink, and purple. Especially those who like the Anime/Manga style might honor this.

For smaller dolls between 108 and 110 cm there will be six different wigs:

Wig details:

We have collected detailed pictures for all 15 wigs by Z-Onedoll for 120 cm to 170 cm dolls with a front and a back view.


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2. September 2011 - 0:43
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Re: Z-Onedoll options - the complete listing

3) Eye color.

The eye colors are a bit confusing…

The official site lists four choices - brown, blur, green and purple (similar to the range offered by Doll Sweet):

However, there actually are eight choices:

The additional eye colors (or eye ball styles) are "Blue Cat Eyes", "Brown Cat Eyes", "Forest Green Eyes", and "Cartoon Eyes".

Again, here are the eyes are shown with detailed hi-res pictures:


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2. September 2016 - 18:54
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Re: Z-Onedoll options - the complete listing

4) Lip color.

This is a rather selft-descriptive and simple option with four choices:


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2. September 2016 - 12:51
Dollstudio's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
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Re: Z-Onedoll options - the complete listing

5) Body style.

Depending on how you count, currently either eight body styles and one variant (ZO-160/ZO-160 SM), or nine body styles are available.

  • Z-Onedoll ZO-120 (~120 cm, 19 kg)
  • Z-Onedoll ZO-140 (~140 cm, ~28 kg)
  • Z-Onedoll ZO-145 (~145 cm, ~29 kg)
  • Z-Onedoll ZO-150 (~150 cm, ~25 kg)
  • Z-Onedoll ZO-158 (~158 cm, ~30 kg)
  • Z-Onedoll ZO-160 (~160 cm, 31 kg)
  • Z-Onedoll ZO-160 SM (~160 cm, ~31 kg, small breasts)
  • Z-Onedoll ZO-162 (~1620 cm, ~35 kg)
  • Z-Onedoll ZO-170 (~170 cm, ~40 kg)

So, as of now, Z-Onedoll covers the full range between really tall and miniature dolls. However, most body shapes so far are rather busty.

Two more bodies have been announced already (110 cm, and 130 cm).

Z-Onedoll ZO-120:

Z-Onedoll ZO-140:

Z-Onedoll ZO-145:

Z-Onedoll ZO-150:

Z-Onedoll ZO-158:

Z-Onedoll ZO-160 SM (small breasts):

Z-Onedoll ZO-160 (big breasts):

Z-Onedoll ZO-162:

Z-Onedoll ZO-170:


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2. September 2016 - 20:33
Dollstudio's picture
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Re: Z-Onedoll options - the complete listing

6) Skin tone.

The skin tone is one of the most basic configuration option, but also it is one of the more important ones as the skin color can not be changed afterwards, at least not without major effort.

Z-Onedoll has currently four standardized skin tones, but uses two competing naming schemes.

a) "Coffee", "Natural", "Pink", and "White".

"Natural" has a yellowish touch, similar to DH168's "Hony light".

b) "Normal", "Tan", "Coffee", and "White".

To avoid misunderstandings, I'd suggest to mark the desired skin tone on the image and attach it to the order.


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2. September 2016 - 20:37
Dollstudio's picture
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Re: Z-Onedoll options - the complete listing

7) Nipple color.

It's a simple option, but it can make a huge difference how much the completed dolls appeals to you.

There is currently no option to choose a different color for the labiae, and there is no option to choose smaller or bigger/more erect nipples.


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2. September 2016 - 20:39
Dollstudio's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
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Re: Z-Onedoll options - the complete listing

8 ) Areola size.

Another simple option with currently four choices:


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3. September 2016 - 2:01
Dollstudio's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
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Re: Z-Onedoll options - the complete listing

9) Tattoo.

The tattoo option referrs to a permanent picture on your doll, so consider this as carefully as you would consider a tattoo on your own skin.

Currently, there are 12 choices available:

Once more, the ZO website uses partially different numbers and lists seven options (#1, #5 and #8 from above are probably duplicates):

Each tatto is are charged extra.


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3. September 2016 - 2:11
Dollstudio's picture
Last seen: 3 years 7 months ago
Joined: 11.01.2015 - 00:21

Re: Z-Onedoll options - the complete listing

10) Finger nails.

A self explaining option for glued-on plastic finger nails. There are currently eight choices:

Neutral finger nails are option #1. The styles #2-#8 are a bit more on the fancy side of things; I am not aware that any other doll maker offers this kind of finger nails, so if you are into nails, Z-Onedoll might have the right doll for you ;-).

There is no option for a style like "Pink French manicure", but of course you can paint those finger nails with finger nail paint from the drugstore.

All finger nail options are included in the base price.

A consideration when choosing finger nails: The more eccentric, sharp-edged and long the finger nails are, the higher is the risk that your doll will cut herself or even you during sex. My recommendation for a dedicated sex doll is: keep her nails as plain and short as possible, unless thatreally turns you off. If your doll will be more a companion or photo model, there is no limit for long or fancy nails.


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