Unboxing Gynoid GT-165/86 body style with Jì xiāng head (纪香) aka Model 7 revisited
Unboxing Gynoid GT-165/86 body style with Jì xiāng head (纪香) aka Model 7 revisited
this is a follow-up Unboxing review to Unboxing Gynoid GT-165/86 with Jì xiāng head (纪香) aka Model 7 from May 2019.
The first sample showed impressive strengths, but also it had a couple of severe weaknesses. Most notably, several joints loosened within days, the doll was not engineered for standing, there were limitations with sitting, and repair attempts turned out to be not feasible as no common silicone adhesive worked on Gynoid's silicone blend.
Getting a replacement turned out to be a challenge; the (paid) sample had to be shipped back to China, I had to pay another $520 for shipping costs, and producing the replacement literally took months (September until December). So this was a test in patience, especially since communication with GT is fragmentary – getting an answer sometimes took a couple of weeks, and some questions were never answered.
Anyway, the replacement has now arrived. Since I won't run through the whole review process again, this post will be rather short and focus on differences to the first shipment.
1) Pre-shipping process.
The first doll was returned to China in September 2019. Except for the info stated in tracking, I did not get feedback when and in which condition the return shipment arrived at Gynoid's facilities. Though, getting some experiences for a shipment to mainland China would have been interesting as this is a rather unusual route – these days, almost all dolls travel the other way around, from China to Europe or North America.
On November 9th I got a note from GT that the replacement would be ready for shipping within "about 10 days". On December 2nd (almost a month later) I got a note from GT that the replacement would be ready for shipping within "about 3-4 days". I don't know what caused this additional delay; Model 7 is a complicated doll, so may Gynoid Tech took some extra time to double check if everything was alright this time, or maybe the factory just forgot to process the doll.
Upon completion, I did not get factory photos or a factory video of the completed doll, neither in the November nor in the December note.
This is a bit sad as I consider the day I get factory photos as the doll's birthday as it's her first documented lifesign.
Also, the lack of factory confirmation photos is rather disadvantageous as there it leaves absolutely no way to tell what you will get – neither if the factory got the configuration right nor how the cardboard box looked before departing from China. If a manufacturer skips even this little effort, the only comprehensible QC step is omitted.
For the first sample, I did not get factory confirmation photos, but at least a short video. So compared to the first shipment, leaving this QC step out is a decline.
2) Shipping & Packaging.
According to tracking, the doll departed on December 11th. Shipping took excessively long; to some degree this delay might have been caused by Christmas and (Solar) New Year holidays, though none of my other shipments were so heavily affected. Traveling from China to Germany can take nothing more than three days (e.g. from Dalian to Berlin with DHL Express and my own DHL Express account, without shipping agent involved), so a full month is very unusual. However, the two-part shipment finally arrived on January 8th and 13th.
That's part one:
The first sample had arrived as a one-part shipment, so this is another novelty. Shipping two packages is a new 'game' by Chinese shipping agents; they virtually split heavy shipments into several smaller packages. According to tracking data, my two packages were 10 kg each. But that's not what is actually shipped, one box had a volumetric weight of about 60 kg and the other one was a very small and completely empty package with an actual weight of 70 grams. Yes, that's less than a bar of chocolate.
As far as I can tell, GT is not responsible for this nonsense; my last Sino-doll arrived similarily split into virtual packages. Since Chinese shipping agents currently control approximately 99,99% of all doll shipments out of mainland China, so there is no way around it. Chinese doll makers do not have export permits, so everybody depends on these shipping agents for any egress shipment with above de-minimis value. Though, how shipments depart from China depends on the shipping agent used by the doll maker. As far as I can tell, not all Chinese shipping agents are playing these two-part-shipment games yet.
The downside for the customer is that he needs to receive two packages which usually do not arrive on the same day; also the customer does not know which one will be the package with the actual product. I don't want to imagine how someone feels if he gets the empty box first and nobody explains what is happening…
Packaging was identical with the first shipment, including the fabulous "ERECTION PROHIBITED" label…
The outside of the box had the usual dents and scratches which do not automatically indicate a shipping damage, so don't be overly alarmed in case you get such a box. Usually, inside the cardboard is another layer of protective padding which prevents that the contents of the box is affected.
3) Padding & Wrapping.
That's exactly what I saw when opening the package (nothing added, nothing removed):
One styrofoam block floating around, some reinforcements on the sides, the doll partially visible.
Like encountered in the first shipment from last year, the styrofoam layers did not cover the whole inside of the box:
I have no idea why the styrofoam layers are not left in one piece. Also, the doll is not wrapped in a plastic bag, so areas where she came in contact with the cardboard have grease stains.
Neither the delicate hand with their jointed fingers, nor the feet are separately packaged. No other supplier I am aware of does with so little protective wrapping.
Exactly like in the first shipment, the head was not protected with anything but hard styrofoam blocks:
The only enhancement compared to the first shipment was a metal tool which was not floating around freely this time:
Some of the styrofoam blocks are compartimentalized:
All compartments were empty and I do not have the faintest idea what they are supposed to do.
In a nutshell, packaging and padding was not enhanced compared with the shipment from last year. What you get in regard to protecting your expensive purchase is clearly not what a customer expects from a $4,000+ purchase.
However, there was no shipping damage, so shipping, packaging and padding is not necessarily a dealbreaker.
4) Manual / Documentation / Instructions.
Again, no changes here – the doll comes with a leaflet written in English. It's the same leaflet I got half a year ago, and I still suspect that the usage instructions are outdated. However, GT did not reply to my questions if the manual is up to date, so here is the first bummer:
According to the section "Legs movement", the legs must not be moved more than 70 degrees forward. That means that the skeleton and/or silicone might not be designed for sitting since this requires a forward angle of the hip joint of at least 90 degrees. So the GT-165/86 doll is not permitted to sit, if you follow the enclosed usage instructions.
Since the hip joint was among those joints which loosed within a couple of days of (moderate) posing, it is possible that the joints loosened because I let the first sample sit for a posing session. So this time I will stick to to the usage instruction and not let the doll sit. However, not being able to sit is a most severe limitation for my use case, so the lack of sitting capability is a dealbreaker for me.
(continued in next post)
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Re: Unboxing Gynoid GT-165/86 with Jì xiāng head (纪香) aka...
5) First Impressions & Body Shape.
Everything I mentioned in the "First Impression" of the Unboxing from May 2019 still applies.
The body shape is exquisitely sculpted; it looks well proportioned and very appealing:
The breasts are softer than the other body parts; the softness is in the upper range of what is common on silicone dolls, similar to the breasts on an early Maid-Fong (mk.1) by Maidlee Doll or the soft breasts currently shipped by Sino-doll. If you move the doll, the breasts have some jiggle, and the haptics are excellent.
6) Neck connector.
This time the neck connector did not suffer from distortion. The neck connector type is unchanged; it is a combination of a spigot and a thread, and Jì xiāng is the only head which fits to Gynoid's GT-165/86 body as GT heads are not freely exchangable.
Attaching the head requires an ordeal for both the doll as well as the owner, so this 'experience' I'll rather skip. With some force and lots of patience you need to get this neck part into the head:
On the same time, you need to screw the heads for several turns onto the thread part in the doll's body. Please take a look at my first Unboxing review to see what is required to accomplish this task.
This issue is mitigated by the fact that you probably will never remove the head from the doll's body since you can't swap heads anyway.
However, considering the extreme hardships of attaching the head to the body I do not understand why GT did not make a doll with seamless neck. If their heady are not designed to be exchangable, why bother with an inferior head attachment mechanism and forcing the customer to endure a most unpleasant experience?
7) Silicone blend and Skin tone.
Everything mentioned in the first Unboxing fully applies.
8 ) Skin Surface and Surface Finishing.
Everything mentioned in the first Unboxing fully applies.
Visually, GT's Model 7 is excellent. The skin surface has an enormous amount of details. Also, there is skin texture:
Body makeup is applied with outstanding precision, even in those areas where other manufacturers often skimp:
Take a closeup look as this nipple. Pigmentation is perfect. Colors are applied homogenously, and even the sides are cleanly pigmented. Compare that to other silicone dolls – especially the sides of the nipples often do not have any pigmentation at all.
Visually, the quality of this doll is through the roof. Looking at a Model 7 is reality is simply breathtaking.
9 ) Eye mechanism.
In the first sample, the brilliant eye mechanism was one of the things that simply blew me away. At all other manufacturers with spring-loaded eye mechanisms, the practical suitability of the mechanism is hit & miss. Sometimes it works nicely, sometimes it does not.
Noteworthy about GT's eye mechanism is that is works equally well on the 2nd sample. Like on the first one, the eye mechanism is outstanding. So in some areas, Gynoid Tech offers true consistency. That's noteworthy – the quality of GT's eye mechanism is not hit & miss!
Adjusting the line of sight on this Model 7 is a pleasure, as it was on the first sample:
However, I'd strongly suggest that you get a tool like this:
An eraser pen like this one makes adjusting the eyes even easier. Also you don't risk to harm the delicate eye lashes.
The outstanding eye mechanism is the strongest example for Gynoid Tech's most impressive skill level in regard to mechanics. The quality and precision of this eye mechanism is unmatched by any other manufacturer worldwide.
(continued in next post)
Re: Unboxing Gynoid GT-165/86 with Jì xiāng head (纪香) aka...
10) Accessories and Scope of supply.
Everything mentioned in the first Unboxing fully applies.
You get the doll with
That's all, expect for this:
I have no idea why they put this remnant into the box. The last time I got this small piece of fabric as well.
11) Skeleton and Posing capability.
I won't pose this doll extensively so I will mostly skip this section.
Ex factory, the doll's joints are tight enough to allow some posing but also loose enough for cuddling. Judging from memory, the doll's skeleton feels identical with the first one, so she is probably capable of doing all the poses I have shown with the first sample. However, keep the included range of movements diagram in mind! Assuming that the manual is not outdated, there are a lot of poses you should not attempt to do with your Gynoid doll!
How long the joints will remain tight enough for posing can not be assessed with this sample as there is no point in risking another costly write-off. GT explicitely advised to be careful with posing ("Over bended may loose the joint and damage the paint", email from Dec 12th, 2019), so that's what I will do.
GT mentioned that they "improved the skeleton and marerials by latest version" (email from Dec 12th, 2019), but Gynoid Tech did not elaborate what exactly has been enhanced or updated. However, since the manual was not updated, the documented limitations probably still appy (e.g. no sitting, according to usage instructions).
12) Standing Capability.
For the first sample, Gynoid Tech claimed standing capability without bolts. Though, the doll did not have any standing capability as nothing was actually engineered to support that claim. On the first sample, just from touching the floor during sitting, the non-deburred edges of the foot plate cut through the soles of the feet.
So for the replacement I requested bolts for standing, and I actually got bolts for standing!
And yes, the doll can stand. She requires a third point of contact for standing solidly, like TPE dolls with the bolts design.
So with the bolts, in regard to standing capability she does not have any drawback compared to a $1,000 TPE doll.
However, in regard to standing capability she does not have any advantages over a $1,000 TPE doll, either.
Detail of the feet with bolts on the floor:
13) Accordance to specifications.
Weight of body:
The measured body weight is 34,6 kg without head.
Weight of head:
The measured weight is 1,8 kg with wig:
The total weight of this doll is 36,4 kg (body, head and wig included):
So the second sample weigts about 1,2 kg less than the first sample.
The specified weight for Model 7 is 34 kg; according to Gynoid Tech, the usual variance is +/- 3 kg, so within this range, she could weight up to 37 kg. Since Gynoid does not disclose if their specs are for head and body or body only, the first sample was almost and the second sample is within manufacturer tolerances.
A verified weight of 36,4 kg is not great for a life-sized silicone doll like this, but it is quite acceptable.
For comparison, Xycolos XC-170/F has a measured body weight of 34,8 kg (with head). She is a bit taller, but also she has thicker foam cores. More lightweight silicone dolls require further optimizations like implemented by Ildoll; though, any massive weight reduction has side effects. So if you are after a overall more soft silicone doll, GT's Model 7 and the current Sino-doll builds are among the first choices.
(Body height measurements are still tbd.)
14) Head.
Everything mentioned in the first Unboxing fully applies.
The head is made of a more firm silicone than the rest of the body.
That's how the head is placed inside the box:
The white fibers are from the cloth which covers the doll. The wig is attached to the head, but not protected against tangled hair.
The Jì xiāng head has a slightly opened mouth with visible upper and lower teeth. Both dental arches are molded in one piece which gives the face a slight expression of clenching the teeth.
Obviously, there is no oral capability.
Besides the inferior padding, manufacturing quality of the head is flawless. Also, the face looks very similar to the first sample, so GT accomplished consistency in cloning the faces as well. That's a relief as with some manufacturers the shipped heads can look pretty different from those shown on promotion photos.
(continued in next post)
Re: Unboxing Gynoid GT-165/86 with Jì xiāng head (纪香) aka...
15) Pubic hair.
Regarding the doll's lady parts, I did not expect anything different from the first sample. However, there was an unrequested configuration change. This time GT attached pubic hair. This is a configuration mistake as the doll was ordered without pubic hair, exactly like the first sample.
Configuration mistakes like this could have been easily spotted with factory confirmation photos, so mistakes of this kind could be avoided with very little effort.
Actually, configuration mistakes like this need to be avoided as they can not be fixed after the doll has been shipped. Similar to the wrong skin color or the wrong vagina type, these attibutes can not be changed after the doll has been completed, so this kind of configuration mistakes can cause a lot of trouble. A customer can refuse to accept the doll as she does not match the ordered configuration.
How critical is such a configuration mistake for you if you purchase a $4,000+ doll?
My personal take on this visual detail is: I do not like fur on my dolls. My dog has fur. My women don't.
99% of my customers agree, pubic hair is ordered maybe one or two times per year, so most customers do not want fur on their dolls.
It's as simple as that.
Anyway, since the doll has pubic hair, let's take a closer look:
The way GT applies pubic hair seems to punch/stitch single hair fibers rather than glue on a patch with some fur, as it is done by Doll Sweet.
If you look a little closer, the difference becomes visible. On a DS with pubic hair, there is a structure with the patch on top of the silicone skin, on the GT it's just a little bush of hair. That looks much more natural, but also it is rather delicate.
As the silicone in the crotch area is rather soft, the hair does not sit very tight. Opposed to a firmer silicone head with a punched hair style, the pubic hair on soft silicone is not very stable. If you have sex with this doll or rub through the pubic hair, you will most likely pull it out sooner or later. If you like pubic hair, the way it is done by GT it offers an attractive visual gimmick, but not a haptical enhancement.
16) Lady parts.
Read view of the lady parts:
Except for the pubix hair, there a subtle differences how the lady parts look. The shape of the labiae is slightly different, and the hinted anus is a bit more highlighted (meaning, it looks now better). However, there is still no anal canal, so Model 7 is neither capable of anal nor oral sex.
The rest of what I mentioned in the first Unboxing about GT's lady parts applies.
17)Manufacturing Quality.
Everything I mentioned in the first Unboxing about the quality of seamline trimming, precision of silicone processing, body makeup and skin surface finishing fully applies.
Gynoid Tech remains unmatched by any other Chinese silicone doll maker in regard to (almost) invisible seamlines and the incredible level of detail on the skin surface coating.
Visually and haptically, this doll is outstanding.
18) Hybrid Doll Potential.
Due to the shape of the neck stub, it will be very hard to find a appropriate head to even try a hybrid doll configuration.
Also, currently there are no adapters available, and there are no plans to create adapters for Gynoid dolls at the moment.
19) Body Shape and Head to Body Proportions.
All observations mentioned in the first Unboxing still fully apply.
20) Finger and toe nails.
All observations mentioned in the first Unboxing still fully apply.
In regard to finger and toe nails, everything is excellent on this GT-165/86 sample.
Finger and toe nails look beautiful and natural. Once more, there is consistency between the first and the second sample: The finger and toe nails are attached with precision. They stick tightly to the silicone fingers and do not falls off.
21) Detachable Arms.
All observations mentioned in the first Unboxing still fully apply.
(continued in next post)
Re: Unboxing Gynoid GT-165/86 with Jì xiāng head (纪香) aka...
22) Hands with Articulated (jointed) Fingers.
And once more, there is consistency between the first and the second sample: The jointed fingers are flawless and work as expected.
If you want jointed fingers on your doll, GT is currently your first choice.
23) Repairability and Maintainability.
For a $4,000+ doll, repairability and maintainability are crucial topics.
If a doll in this price range fails within a couple of months or even weeks and she turns out to be not repairable, it is – imho – sure desaster, as well for the customer as for the vendor. Most customers are neither willing nor capable of just swallowing the expense for such a massively failed purchase. So it really matters if the doll can be repaired, and if so, how much effort and/or costs are involved.
With the first sample I discovered that no easily available off-the-shelf silicone adhesive like Sil-poxy, Wacker E4 or Permatex flowable windshield sealer would work on Gynoid Tech's silicone blend.
I requested material samples to do more systematic tests.
Gynoid promised to send material samples and their proprietary silicone adhesive.
With the replacement, I did not get material samples, and I did not get GT's proprietary adhesive.
Maybe they just forgot, or maybe the shipping agent decided that these substances would not be allowed to ship. I don't know.
Whatever the reason might be, I still don't know if there is a working silicone adhesive for Gynoid's silicone blend. Maybe there is, maybe there is not. Some early Sino-doll builds suffered from similar issues, off-the-shelf adhesives wouldn't work on certain doll parts, and repair attempts with a factory-supplied silicone adhesive were unsuccessful, too. The lesson learned from the Sino case is: I believe that there is working adhesive if I can reproduce that it works.
So unless other credible experiences surface, I consider GT dolls not to be repairable with silicone adhesives available in Europe or North America.
This also means: In case your Gynoid doll suffers a skeletal breakage, you won't be able to do any surgery as you can not seal the doll. That is assuming that GT is capable and willing to supply skeleton spare parts. That's another thing we know nothing about yet.
24) Conclusion.
First the good things I consider noteworthy:
a) Standing capability – finally! The second sample can stand. Though, standing requires bolts, like they are used by TPE dolls. The possibilities of blending silicones with different firmness are not utilized by GT, but the doll can stand like her TPE counterparts without the nasty 'side effects' encountered on the first sample.
b) Exquisite or even outstanding details. Many details of the doll are exquisite, like on the first sample. That applies, for example, to seamline trimming, skin surface finishing and the eye mechanism. In all these areas, Gynoid's skills are unmatched by any other Chinese doll maker I am aware of.
c) Visuals are brilliant. Similar to the first sample, the visual appearance is breathtaking. The doll has a huge amount of subtle details on the skin surface, ranging from little blood vessels over moles to a skin texture. Manufacturing quality of these visuals is brilliant, including the precision of attaching finger and toe nails.
d) Consistency. Last but not least, there is consistency. One Jì xiāng head has the same facial expression as the other. Things that are good in one GT doll are probably similarily good on the next one. This degree of consistency is rather unusual for Chinese doll makers, and consistency is highly welcome by many customers.
Personally, I have three major issues with the replacement doll:
a) No sitting capability. The lack of sitting capability, according to the enclosed usage instructions, is a showstopper for my own use case. The lack of response from GT about sitting capability, the lack of any information if the enclosed usage manual really is up-to-date and the lack of clarity about the existence and configurability of gel implants in the butt is an annoyance at best.
b) Configuration mistakes. What I really do not like is the deviation from the ordered customization; if you order a doll without pubic hair and get a furry girl with pubic hair instead, the doll is simply not as ordered, and – opposed to swapping a wrong wig – can not be fixed with reasonable effort as the pubic hair can not be simply removed. Since pubic hair is a big turn-off for many customers, problems with acceptance of the delivered dolls are easily foreseeable. Configuration mistakes like this could be easily spotted with factory photos. Since every TPE manufacturer I am doing business with is capable and willing to provide factory photos even for a $990 torso doll, I do not see any reason why Gynid Tech would not be able to do the same for a $4,000+ product. Even if it is 'just' a (paid) replacement for a (paid) sample.
c) Lack of proven repairability and maintainability procedures. Last but not least, the lack of repairability and thusly the lack of maintainability is severely worrying, not only considering the high price. Even for lower priced products, there needs to be a working manufacturer responsiblity to deal with manufacturing defects. For about eight months there has been nothing but a claim that the factory has a proprietary silicone adhesive for the GT silicone blend. Getting me as well silicone material samples as this mysterious silicone adhesive has been promised many times, but I still have not received either of it. Maybe the factory forgot to put it into the box, or the shipping agent has removed it – whatever the reason might be, it is indicative for a problem. Either with QC at the factory or with shipping the adhesive by air freight, and both is equally worrying.
As always, YMMV, and for all issues there are (potential) solutions respectively different use cases:
However, if these two samples would have been regular sales to end-customers, it would have been a desaster. So I will have to wrap my head around the issue how to deal as a vendor with what I can get from GT. More on this later below.
For comparison & reference:
Bottomline is: The Gynoid Tech GT-165/86 is a product unlike anything else on the (doll) market. Regular criteria simply do not fit. For a normal product, the GT-165/86 is way too bad and way too good at the same time. There are horrible shortcomings as well as outstanding, industry-leading accomplishments combined in the same product:
Probably something similar applies to other GT dolls as well, maybe here and there with some nuances, but the big picture will be the same most likely.
Vendor point of view.
For me as a vendor this raises the question how to deal with such a product which completely refuses fit into regular categories.
Let's take a look how other vendors try to deal with the issue of repairability and maintainability. That's a screenshot from the terms & conditions page of vendor C*:
Generally refusing any warranty is not exactly a customer-friendy approach, and for EU-based vendors it's not even legal. But obviously others see an issue with repairability and maintainability, too. But they can not offer customer-friendly or consumer protection law compliant solution, either.
So it's a tough cookie.
Configuration mistakes like those I encountered with the two samples are serious trouble if they can not be fixed. In such cases, some doll makers practise real manufacturer responsibility and send a full replacment. Or, depending how bad the damage or mistake is, they try to negotiate a partial compensation, e.g. by refunding some money. And others simply refuse any attempt to fix configuration mistakes, shipping damages or even a shipping loss. Yes, the doll business can be very different from selling cars or smartphones.
If a vendor is involved as a 'middleman' between the customer and the manufacturer, the vendor will probably jump in and cover for the losses, pay for a replacement or make a repair – unless it's a vendor who refuses any warranty like the one mentioned above. However, paying for a replacement or making a repair only works as long as it is financially viable and technically possible. That applies to any vendor. If there are serial flaws or recurring QC issues, a vendor can not endlessly carry the can for the manufacturer. Nobody can afford this, so a particular product or a whole brand would normally just dissapear from the portfolio if it causes too much trouble.
In case of the GT-185/86, the retail price would not even cover the $520 for the replacement shipment, there still is no working silicone adhesive and it's highly questionable how much effort would be required to repair issues with the skin surface finishing like the ones user 'GOTE' encountered. So there are narrow economical and technical boundaries for what is possible as long as the doll is considered to be a regular product for consumption.
That's why I think that we need to change the perception of GT dolls. They are rather artworks than products for consumption.
So the best idea I had so far is
'Artwork level doll' would mean:
I am not sure if this is the right way to go, but the category "artwork level doll" would capture the character of a Gynoid Tech doll much better than "sex doll". And it might help customers to better understand the delicate nature of a GT doll as the expectations of an artwork are significantly different from those of an everyday commodity.
Re: Unboxing Gynoid GT-165/86 body style with Jì xiāng head ...
let's update this thread a bit.
To paraphrase the events so far…
The first sample from last year had several unique strengths, but also a couple of severe weaknesses. I returned the doll to GT and got a replacement, the second sample.
The second sample (replacement) – this thread – was quite different, most notably, it did now show several of the severe weaknesses of the first sample. On one hand, this doll can now stand since she has bolts in the soles of her feet, and she can sit since her butt is now reasonably firm. On the other hand, this doll inherited basically all strengths of the first sample, for example she has exquisite makeup, flawless seamline trimming, and she also has the brilliant eye mechanism. Though, there are still some downsides like the pesky neck connector, and a configuration mistake (implanted pubic hair).
Since the second sample seems to be a decent doll, I decided to offer her for sale – unused, but checked for flaws. So she spent the past months in ber cardboard box in storage. She was listed on TDF for three months without anyone showing interest. This is a bit puzzling as I consider her a good doll, her limitations are thoroughly documented, and there is no waiting time involved. Considering the Coronavirus pandemic, dolls on stock have a certain value as they are not affected by air freight shipping limitations from Asia to Europe. One could just drop by and pick her up.
Anyway, since I do not want a good doll go to waste, I decided to keep her and to continue with this long-term review. So this is now the (by far) most expensive doll I own.
First finding when removing her from storage: There were no damages. This indicates that this build variant is more rigid than the first sample. No flat butt, no deformed gel implants.
Next I put her on her own feet for standing. That's the way she keeps me company for the past about two weeks – standing on her own feet, leaning on a shelf. The second finding, based on this two-week-standing period is: Her joints are strong enough to survive standing. So far no loose knee or hip joints. Again, this build variant seems to be much more rigid than the first sample which lost posing capability within days.
So a new chapter of this exciting journey has begun